User experience in Chinese instant messaging APP

October 15th, 2019

Case studies of Wechat and QQ by Red Digital Lab.

Wechat and QQ are popular Instant Messaging APP in China, but do they deliver good User Experience? Read on to find out the answer!

In terms of pre-chat operation, Wechat shows icons and names of users’ contact in the address book, whereas QQ shows contacts’ names only. Contacts are arranged in alphabetical order, and in groups (e.g. favorite, new contacts, etc.). Both APPs can provide easy navigation.


During chats, QQ shows the progress of images being delivered, and Wechat gives a ‘ding’ sound upon successful scanning of QRcode. This visual and hearing feedback helps optimize the user experience as well.

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After completing certain tasks on the APP, it is important that users can easily go back to the previous page, or close and leave the current interface.