Post-00s user behaviour report

November 5th, 2019

Three important digital marketing trends.

The post-00s are the major group of consumers in China nowadays. Want to know the user behavior and #UserPreference? Read on for the answer by Red Digital Lab!

  1. The declining influence of KOL Key Opinion Leader used to have a huge influence over Chinese consumers, but bloggers and users’ opinions matter a lot more now. Key Opinion Consumer KOC is the new trend if you are looking for a Chinese Influencer.

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  1. Content as a means of socializing Chinese Users will now share content about products on Chinese Social Media like Xiao Hong Shu, WeChat, etc. To make your product shareable, instill values into your products and create interactive content.

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  1. Brands and influencers with values Users look up to brands with values, so Brand Management becomes more important than ever.
