Chinese digital marketing: How Baidu analytics is different from Google analytics?

May 3rd, 2019

Few things that Baidu analytics distincts from Google analytics

If you are having Chinese website, you should add Baidu analytics in your Chinese website.

Baidu analytics is a good complement to Google analytics because there are features that Google analytics don’t have such as Baidu heatmap, Chinese provinces etc.

Baidu analytics heatmap

baidu analytics

Provinces section in Baidu analytics


And if you are running a Baidu SEM campaign, Baidu analytics are better at tracking the traffic, event conversion and goals than Google analytics as naturally Google analytics will aggregate the organic traffic and paid Baidu campaign.

It is also important to set up event tracking in Baidu analytics to accurately measure events happened on the Chinese website. Setting up event tracking enables you to track what tabs, and buttons, pages, navigation, content etc are more popular among Chinese visitors etc.

Baidu Event tracking

Google vs Baidu analytics